The Great Weeder

I went running today, looking for lilacs. I’d seen some the other day on a drive to the grocery store. I knew one particular spot on my running path that sported lilacs last year, so I deviated from my new route to find lilacs. Found them I did. Poking through...

First Service a Success

Thank you, Lakepointe, for printing our banners! Julia wanted to help. She put candles in votive holders (with a smile!). We set up the room cafe style. This is how the table tops looked. The bulletins and other information was placed inside the buckets. Sophie and...

I am sickened

****THIS ARTICLE is also posted at this blog today.**** Today I read about a Homeland Security honcho getting arrested for trying to seduce what he thought was a 14 year old over the Internet. The terrible story is here. And congress is now (finally!!!) investigating...

Crazy is as Crazy does!

I feel a bit nutty these days, getting ready for our first public service this Saturday, writing under deadline, and being away from home far too many days. In the last 36 days, I’ve been gone 20 of them, all for church-planting related business. I just want to...

Southern France is in the Bible!

Yesterday I was reading in my daily Bible and came across France, or at least what sounded like the countryside of Southern France: “For the Lord your God is brining you into a good land of flowing streams and pools of water, with springs that gush forth in the...