Need a restory?

Learn how to heal from your difficult past.
Meet Mary DeMuth

Do you need healing from pain? Here’s how to unleash a new story.

Pray Every Day podcast



The Watercolor Story

Mary paints Scripture and prayer art

just for you!

Several years ago, Mary’s friend created art during Lent, one piece every day for forty days. She thought that sounded much more interesting than giving up chocolate, so she painted during Lent as a spiritual practice. Mostly she illustrated Scripture. Mary’s friends began asking for her art (which she was certainly self-conscious about), but she eventually created a little store. There, you can find illustrated prayers, Scripture cards, journals, a calendar, greeting cards, and screen savers.

Even if your story is difficult or traumatic, there is hope.

Mary loves to advocate for people with hard stories. (She’s been there.)

(Just click on each story to learn more.)

Mary DeMuth speaks with Carol Costello on CNN’s Across America, talking about how the church handles abuse, and how it can do better.


Guest: Across America

Featured here. “People who are broken and hurting are tutors to lead us to Christ,” she said. “As you love someone who’s broken, you are being like Christ to them, but you’re also discovering Christ in them because he only shows up in the weak and the broken—his power is made perfect in our weakness.… Instead of looking at someone as a project, look at them as the projection of the beauty of Christ.”

Christianity Today

Featured in: 10 Women Who Are Changing the Southern Baptist Response to Abuse

Read here. “Often we see in communities of faith that victims are admonished to be grace-like, offering instant forgiveness to their abuser as if it could be doled out like a trinket or candy. And when someone is pressured to ‘be like Jesus’ and forgive swiftly, often this pressure causes harm. Sexual violation cuts deeply. It eats away at worth, esteem, and personhood.”  

The Washington Post

byline, "In faith communities like the Duggars, abuse victims are encouraged to be filled with grace. It’s not that simple."

Listen here. “Author and advocate Mary DeMuth explains the history of sexual abuse in the church, why cover ups are now so common, how we can respond more redemptively, and the best ways to prevent abuse in the first place.”

The Holy Post

podcast guest

Do you have a publishing story?



Mary enjoys shepherding, coaching, and mentoring writers toward their publishing dreams! She established Mary DeMuth Literary in 2022 and is taking a limited amount of motivated, Christ-following nonfiction writers.


 Have a church hurt story? Have you experienced spiritual abuse, but don’t have the words to describe what you’re going through? 

Mary has created this Church Hurt Checklist just for you.

The goal in creating this tool is to help you have more specific conversations with safe people about what you went through or are currently going through.

Simply go through the list and check those sentences that resonate with you. Maybe use those points as a journaling prompt, expanding on each feeling or experience. As you may have heard me say or write, “An untold story never heals.” It’s my sincere prayer that this tool would help you identify your story and be able to articulate it. As you get the difficult story out of you (rather than letting it ruminate within you), you’ll begin to experience some lightness.


Blog Stories

“We will do anything short of sin”

“We will do anything short of sin”

I’ve heard this statement uttered in several church contexts over the years, and it never felt right to me. While it is always good and right to contextualize the gospel for your particular setting (Paul becomes all things to all people, for example), it is dangerous...

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Brokenhearted but loved

Brokenhearted but loved

"You are covered with the vastness of our Father. You are on my mind and in my prayers." The words came to me today on a lazy Sunday afternoon--from Vonda, a friend and cheerleader whose connection to God in worship I deeply admire. She didn't know how much I needed...

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Abusers and Repentance

Abusers and Repentance

When a Christian leader harms his/her flock or members of their congregation or ministry sphere, a deep, horrible wound is opened up. Victims are traumatized. The system that allowed the abuser is obviously broken (and also needs to repent). Typically: the victims are...

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