The Pray Every Day Podcast

About the Podcast

Ever have days where you try to pray, but the words get tangled in your throat?

You’re not alone.

Enter, Pray Every Day.

With the Pray Every Day podcast, Mary reads about a chapter of the Bible a day, and then prays for you according to what she’s read.

Why Pray Every Day?

Because you need the reminder that God sees you, and he cares for your cares.

The daily (yes daily!) podcast is short (five minutes) so you can easily infuse your days with hope and the truth that you are not alone. You press play, close your eyes (maybe) ,soak in the truth of Jesus, and walk away with more hope, more joy, more freedom.

Begin today. Just five minutes. Scripture. Be prayed for. Find the words that lead to life.

Pray Every Day Testimonies



I am here with my grandfather, Jim, sending you an email of encouragement on his behalf because he is blind. My grandfather is a man who came to Christ later in life (his 40’s) but came in a powerful, fully surrendered way. Since that day he has accumulated over 120 years of board experience, including 40 on the Fellowship of Companies for Christ International. He is an amazing man. He is now 86 and he is finishing stronger and stronger everyday, thanks in part to your podcast, which proclaims the name of Jesus in an unashamed way. He marvels at all that God has done in your life and at your faithfulness to Christ. Everyday he listens to your Pray Everyday Podcast on his Amazon Alexa and is always thoroughly encouraged by your prayers. As a result, he has gotten me to begin listening to it as well and I am also very encouraged.



Thank you so much for your very timely prayer this morning. I have been very low lately and trying to lift my spirits up by reading and meditating on the Word. This morning I prayed for God to lead me as I am very confused about my next steps. You prayed for God to resurrect broken relationships. I believe that is the answer to my prayer as I was asking God whether I should give up and let go or hold on and wait. 


I’m so grateful and blessed that I came across Pray Everyday. You are so vital and very important with my walk with JESUS Christ, my Lord and Savior, and I thank you. Your artwork is awesome and I’m anxious to shop your Etsy store, ha ha! Much Love and Respect to a fellow Prayer Warrior. I’m convinced that the Holy Spirit led me to your Pray Everyday scripture prayer app on Spotify. I also listen to Pray Everyday on YouTube. May God Bless you richly Mary DeMuth with the evidence of the Miracles of what your Prayers are accomplishing, Praise Jesus I found A Prayer Warrior! 


I’m writing to you to let you know how I came upon your podcast. One day I was having really bad anxiety and usually what I do to help with that is I pray in silence in my room or if I’m driving by myself, But that day I was on pandora and was going to put on some gospel music and then I thought to myself what if there is a podcast of some kind where someone is praying the Bible or just talks about forgiveness and being love and then I seen the Pray Everyday podcast and ever since then I have listened to you every morning when I’m driving to work. Thank you so much Mary for what you do for all of us and for bringing light into my life.



Sunday, October 9, our youngest daughter who struggles with a personality disorder, was having a tough morning. Although she was scheduled to play her bass guitar for worship at church, she was not able to hold it together and had to cancel. As I tuned into Pray Every Day that morning, you stopped mid prayer and switched focus. You stated that the Spirit had prompted you to pray for someone who is battling mental health issues (paraphrase to what you actually said, but you get the point). You also prayed for those family members who are suffering along side such individuals. Oh my, Mary. You were praying for our family at that moment, and I cannot tell you what peace it brought! You also encouraged us to share the message with someone who needed it so that they know someone in Texas is praying for them. I shared the prayer with our daughter, and she was so grateful. I was wowed by the Spirit!

Joseph in South Sudan



Thank you Mary for praying for me. You pray like you had been seeing all the challenges that l am facing.  

Anonymous, overseas

First, I would like to thank you for Pray Everyday. I listen to it as I look out my kitchen window while doing the breakfast dishes every morning.  What a way to start my day!  I first learned about your podcast through my therapist.  She introduced me to Jesus and His unending love for me and I accepted Him as my savior on March 30, 2019.  

You have no idea what your ministry means to me.  I, like you, was sexually assaulted as a very young child, but never dealt with the trauma until well into my adulthood. When I hear you speak of your struggles, it is as if you are speaking my words. I have learned misery does not love company, just understanding.  Thank you for the honesty, courage and strength you model for the rest of us.

If you feel led to support the podcast . . . 

Consider becoming a patron of the show.


We’d love to have you join us as we help get Scripture and prayer into the whole, wide world. As you can imagine, this daily prayer podcast takes a lot of Mary’s time and resources to create. She sees this as her service to those who need prayer around the world. She’s seeing great ministry happen in these little bite-sized podcasts.  To support the show, there are several levels you can patronize. $1 gets Mary’s gratitude. $10 receives a free painting (sent digitally via email). $25 you receive a secret podcast unavailable anywhere PLUS the painting. And at $100 you receive all these plus (with your permission) you’re added to Mary’s prayer circle. Huge thanks to all the patrons listed here!

Get the free app!

Navigate each daily prayer more easily. Plus: you get a free written devotional for every day of the year. 

Find it on Apple here. 

Get it on Google Play here.


On Alexa!

Did you know you can listen to Pray Every Day on your Alexa device? Just click here to start. It’s free!


2 Kings 25:16-30

Today’s Scripture: 2 Kings 25:16-30 Mary is reading 2 Kings 25:16-30 in the WEB.   Access Pray Every Day every single day on the Pray Every Day App! Not only can you listen, but I've created 365 daily devotions you can read as well--all about connecting deeply...

2 Kings 25:1-15

Today’s Scripture: 2 Kings 25:1-15 Mary is reading 2 Kings 25:1-15 in the WEB.   Access Pray Every Day every single day on the Pray Every Day App! Not only can you listen, but I've created 365 daily devotions you can read as well--all about connecting deeply with...

2 Kings 24:1-20

Today’s Scripture: 2 Kings 24:1-20 Mary is reading 2 Kings 24:1-20 in the WEB.   Access Pray Every Day every single day on the Pray Every Day App! Not only can you listen, but I've created 365 daily devotions you can read as well--all about connecting deeply with...

2 Kings 23:19-37

Today’s Scripture: 2 Kings 23:19-37 Mary is reading 2 Kings 23:19-37 in the WEB.   Access Pray Every Day every single day on the Pray Every Day App! Not only can you listen, but I've created 365 daily devotions you can read as well--all about connecting deeply...

2 Kings 23:1-18

Today’s Scripture: 2 Kings 23:1-18 Mary is reading 2 Kings 23:1-18 in the WEB.   Access Pray Every Day every single day on the Pray Every Day App! Not only can you listen, but I've created 365 daily devotions you can read as well--all about connecting deeply with...

2 Kings 22:1-20

Today’s Scripture: 2 Kings 22:1-20 Mary is reading 2 Kings 22:1-20 in the WEB.   Access Pray Every Day every single day on the Pray Every Day App! Not only can you listen, but I've created 365 daily devotions you can read as well--all about connecting deeply with...

2 Kings 21:1-13

Today’s Scripture: 2 Kings 21:1-13 Mary is reading 2 Kings 21:1-13 in the WEB.   Access Pray Every Day every single day on the Pray Every Day App! Not only can you listen, but I've created 365 daily devotions you can read as well--all about connecting deeply with...

2 Kings 20:1-21

Today’s Scripture: 2 Kings 20:1-21 Mary is reading 2 Kings 20:1-21 in the WEB.   Access Pray Every Day every single day on the Pray Every Day App! Not only can you listen, but I've created 365 daily devotions you can read as well--all about connecting deeply with...

2 Kings 19:19-37

Today’s Scripture: 2 Kings 19:19-37 Mary is reading 2 Kings 19:19-37 in the WEB.   Access Pray Every Day every single day on the Pray Every Day App! Not only can you listen, but I've created 365 daily devotions you can read as well--all about connecting deeply...

2 Kings 19:1-18

Today’s Scripture: 2 Kings 19:1-18 Mary is reading 2 Kings 19:1-18 in the WEB.   Access Pray Every Day every single day on the Pray Every Day App! Not only can you listen, but I've created 365 daily devotions you can read as well--all about connecting deeply with...

Pray Every Day archives