Divine Dance of Praise and Lament

There are times when I know at the core of my being that I am deeply loved by God. There are times when His presence feels so close I can feel His breath. Times of melody and elation. Then there are times when I’m in the trenches with King David, composing my...

Those who live by the stage

There are two choices for a writer: seclusion or limelight. Sometimes it’s somewhere in between. But the way God has made me (or perhaps it’s my own dysfunction) is to impart. When I learn something, experience something new of Jesus, or hear direction, my...

Infectious skin diseases

So I’m reading through Leviticus right now and I’m stuck in the infectious skin disease cycle where it talks about the priests looking at everyone’s icky rashes and declaring them unclean or clean. It doesn’t seem like a fun job to me. (Maybe...

My big, fat fear: Fame Messing with my Heart

Regarding fears in the publishing journey: My big, fat fear came when the Lord showed me many of the trials I’d faced right before my first major writing conference. They were personal trials full of pain and ick. At the end of that sad display (although I’m thrilled...

Why I Love Jesus 50 Reasons (and counting)

Let me count the ways: He showed me how to live. (And oh, how I wish I could walk in His sandals better.) He loved the unlovely–including me. He personified tenderness and strength. He saw fit to rescue me from despair. He cherished children. He risked. He...