Listen to Homeword today and tomorrow

I’ll be chatting with Jim Burns on Homeword today. If you don’t know when it airs in your locale (It’s usually aired next to Focus on the Family and Family Life), you can listen to it here. The subject? Authentic Parenting in a Postmodern Culture. If...

Cool News!!!

(Note: for my part of the news, scroll down to the large, bold text.)  2009 Christian Book Expo Feature Controversial Panel Topics, Bestselling Authors: Christopher Hitchens, Lee Strobel, J.I. Packer, Donald Miller, Don Piper, Randy Alcorn, And More Visit...

Encouragement across the pond

I received this email on a day I needed to hear it: Message: Dear Mary, Just wanted to send you a few lines and let you know how much you’ve encouraged me as a mom. I was at an all time low end of last year…living in Ireland, away from family, burdened by...