Called to write? 10 Ways to know.

Called to write? 10 Ways to know.

I often get emails from people asking me how to get published or how I knew I was called to write, or some variation of that question. Or they might ask what the signs are for the calling of writing. Or whether I think they’re specifically called to write....

Write a Powerful Novel Proposal: Launching Today!

Today I’m launching a new product on my website called Write a Powerful Fiction Proposal. (Scroll down; it’s below the Nonfiction proposal tutorial.) For you novelists out there seeking publication, you may ask yourself, why would I need a fiction proposal?...

Mount Hermon Prayer 2010

I had the privilege again this year to pray at the Palm Sunday service at Mount Hermon. Not usually prone to write out my prayers for a situation like this, I felt God nudge me to be sure I prayed particular things. So I wrote it down. Here it is. I pray it blesses...

Fun Times at Mount Hermon

Head Start Mentoring fiction. Great gals!John Olson, me, Randy IngermansonOh the flora!Amazing bridge.CreekbedRedwood chapelDave, Rachel and Angus chattingFiction Mentoring class. Great group of peeps!
7 Publishing Myths

7 Publishing Myths

  I don’t want to rain on your publishing parade, but I do want you to be realistic about traditional publishing. Here are 7 myths you need to know about. All authors make a bucket load of money! (Click to tweet this.) (Actuality: We make about 78 cents a...