I Feel Better Now

It’s just nice to know these airbrushed ladies are normal like the rest of us! They have bad hair days, bad make-up (or no make-up) days, bad attitude days. The truth is we’re all aging and we can’t be young forever, even if we’re airbrushed...

Eternal Perspective in Germany

I’m home from Germany! I spent a great weekend with some amazing ladies. I had the privilege of speaking four times at a lovely retreat center about cultivating an eternal perspective. For those of you who prayed: thank you. I believe, by God’s grace, many...

Everybody Needs A Renee Bailey

A long time ago, in a land far, far away (Texas), I wrote a newspaper column entitled “Everybody Needs a Kevin Bailey.” You can read that article here if you’re interested. But yesterday, I thought a long time about his wife, Renee. Sophie, Julia and...