Cramps are from Satan

Folks have told me I’m authentic. Today I’m in an “authentic” mood. What’s the deal with cramps? Hmmm? Ouch! Why do I have to still have these things? Oh, how to describe…let’s try this: cramps feel like knives slicing through...

Goodbye Circus

I woke up this morning to pounding. And the roaring of lions. And hammers. And Lord knows whatever circus-leaving sounds. Six in the morning! Argh! But, they are gone. Never did pay us for the electricity, though they swear they fixed it so they didn’t use our...

Circus Rant

I’m hopping mad. There are days like this that I want to yell or holler! We have the circus in town again. We used to think it a novelty to have the circus in the parking lot in front of our house. We’ve dealt with spitting llamas, various excrements made...

Gearing Up

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY! Our first Crossroads International Christian Church of the Cote d’Azur (say that ten times fast!) has its first official public gathering tomorrow at 3:30. Our team is running around like crazy people. I’m printing off bulletins as...