A Day in the Life of a Writer

A Day in the Life of a Writer

Well, here’s the skinny. Every day is different for the life of a writer. But for the sake of answering this blog post, here is one of my days, ripped from the headlines of last week, Friday to be exact. 6:45 AM: I wake up and pull on my running clothes,...
Why Do Christian Movies Tend to be Cheesy?

Why Do Christian Movies Tend to be Cheesy?

Last weekend, I happened upon a Christian movie, so I invited my two daughters to watch it with me. They laughed. “Is this serious?” one asked. As we finished it, they seemed more amused at it, particularly when one character pressed his hands together to pray (It...
Sexual Abuse: Choose Your Enemies Wisely

Sexual Abuse: Choose Your Enemies Wisely

Yesterday on my run, the song “Cedars of Lebanon” by U2 came up. The last stanza stunned me. It’s taken me a day to digest it, but I believe there’s deep truth for the victims of sexual abuse hidden there. The lyrics: Choose your enemies...

Those who live by the stage

There are two choices for a writer: seclusion or limelight. Sometimes it’s somewhere in between. But the way God has made me (or perhaps it’s my own dysfunction) is to impart. When I learn something, experience something new of Jesus, or hear direction, my...