Great Conference

I just finished attending the ACFW conference in Dallas. Wow. The best part? Seeing faces! I got to meet face-to-face with many of my Master’s Artist friends. Folks who I’ve emailed several times, now are three-dimensional. I had the privilege of teaching...

Jesus and our Stories

I take my responsibility of teaching very seriously. You see, I used to teach seventh and eighth graders—a task I equate with trying to tame electric shrieking eels. (Princess Bride, anyone?) So tomorrow I leave for a long week to teach at the American Christian...

9-11 Poem

I wrote this five years ago, in shock, in remembrance: Freedom When dust settles After the fury of ravaged steel Lies rumpled in unconscious heaps It stands Hesitating Interrupted only by quiet tears And muffled sorrows When lives resume After the coffins drop one by...

The Making of a Masterpiece. Part One. Familiarity.

I’m reading an altogether fascinating book right now entitled Mockingbird by Charles J. Shields. It’s a book about the life of novelist Harper Lee. Though, granted, it’s frustrating that Shields has no first-hand interaction with his subject, I am...