Sweet Little Provisions

Feb 8, 2008Archive

I love God for the sweet little provisions He brings our way. We’re a bit tight right now so I’m clipping coupons a lot and trying to never pay full price for anything. Though, I admit, sometimes that process tires me out, I know it’s played itself out in our marriage that if we are thrifty in small things, we eventually save money. Little things add up.
So, I was very happy to receive a free coupon for 3 bucks for my birthday (it’s coming Sunday; I’ll be twenty-twenty-one) from a pharmacy. I walked in, found one box of valentines (something I needed to buy for at least one of my children) and paid 21 cents for it. Hooray!
But then I worried a bit. Julia liked the Valentines, which meant I needed to buy some for Aidan. With Sophie in high school, I figured she didn’t want any, and if she did, she could buy them with her own money.
Then today, I received this from the party coordinator for Aidan’s class:

6th graders do NOT exchange cards. Shocked? I was, but I guess
they’re growing up. The teacher just emailed me this week and let me know they
will not be exchanging cards in the 30 minutes we are allowed for
the party.

Well! Isn’t it cool that God provided 21 cent valentines? (Truth be told, I usually make them on my computer, but this has been a busy time of year with three birthdays in one month, so it was a blessing to buy this time.)

What are God’s sweet little provisions in your life this week?