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The Church is not a Corporation

The Church is not a Corporation

Ever since we began our marriage planting a church, we have been studying and observing church. We have experienced so many amazing bodies of believers all over the world, from French speakers in Montreal, to a group of students in Vietnam, to the wealthy of Monaco to...

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Need a new worship playlist?

Need a new worship playlist?

I'm walking through a season in my relationship with God and his church to the point that overused worship songs fall flat to me. For whatever reason, I can't seem to participate in them, and so many of the internal messages of modern worship songs are about me-me-me....

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The Problem of Exceptional Thinking

The Problem of Exceptional Thinking

"I'll be the exception to the rule."  This is the kind of thinking that has stolen my joy. For years. Some examples: "Planting a church in France is hard. It's known as the missionary graveyard." Surely not! (But oh it was, and we were not the exception to the rule....

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We Named Each Other

We Named Each Other

Last night my grandfather breathed his last. I was not able to hold his gnarled hand, could not sing songs of kindness over him. I prayed. Oh, I prayed. But I grieved from many states away. I gave him the name Bopo, which then became his grandfather name--all the...

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An Uncommon Friend

An Uncommon Friend

I met Shelly Carvan when my heart was in shreds, soon after our family came home battered from the mission field in France. We attended the same Life Group at church, and I distinctly remember talking to her in the hallway outside of class, knowing immediately that I...

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Thank God for NOT giving me what I thought I needed

Thank God for NOT giving me what I thought I needed

I've shared this story before, but it begs repeating. In high school, I pined for a boyfriend. I prayed for a boyfriend. I made bargains with God about said boyfriend. But heaven was silent. Single Mary stayed single. No boyfriend. And now? I'm grateful. Because my...

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I despise neediness in myself

I despise neediness in myself

This is one of those posts I am starting that I don't know how it will end. During this time of Covid, racial tension, and employment worries, I (like you) have had some space to observe my life. And something has bothered me. I get mad when I see someone offer grace...

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Celebrating = healing

Celebrating = healing

I am terrible at celebrating. Ask my husband. I flit from thing to thing​, seldom stopping to cherish a moment or celebrate a milestone.  Can you relate? I'm reading a really helpful book right now called Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg. It's been the habit book...

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A Deep, Yet Accessible Bible Study

A Deep, Yet Accessible Bible Study

I remember picking up my first Bible study book when I was probably sixteen years old. I turned it over, looked at it like an anomaly. Why? Because I was an unchurched girl, recently converted, and I had zero idea about the Christian culture, Bible studies, or even...

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Pray Every Day is TWO!

Pray Every Day is TWO!

I'm so grateful to share a milestone with you. The Pray Every Day Podcast is officially two years old today. CUE JOY! It's been downloaded over a half a million times. It's available on your Alexa device. And it's an app! It's supported by listeners like you over at...

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I’m taking a Sabbatical

I’m taking a Sabbatical

This blog post I'm writing is a task I've been thinking about for a long time. I've hinted at the strain of this year, and I've asked for prayer. But now it's time to actually do something about my level of fatigue and health issues. Stress is real, friends, and it...

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