10 Ways to Specifically Encourage the Awesome People in Your Life

Apr 9, 2012Heal from the past

Life is downright hard.




Sometimes we can’t see the light through all that darkness. Which is why God encourages us to encourage others. I’m passionate about encouraging people, because I know what it’s like to live in discouragement, and I know how amazing it is when I receive encouragement in those dark times. Living in France where I had few friends, I survived on the encouragement I received from friends back in the states. That sustained me.

Today I’d like you to take on this challenge. Choose one of these ways and dare to encourage someone. Then comment in the comment section and tell us what happened as a result.

  1. Tweet something true and encouraging about someone. For instance, yesterday I tweeted this: @marybethwhalen is so amazing and wonderful and funny and cute and awesome. Sometimes I look at my twitter feed with such fond affection for my friends, I can’t help myself!
  2. Post something on a friend’s facebook wall–a genuine praise of something he/she has done well.
  3. Send flowers to someone who is hurting. Or if you’re strapped for cash, go to your local grocery store, and purchase a bouquet and drop it off at his/her house.
  4. Write out a prayer for a friend and mail it to him/her.
  5. Praise a friend in front of others.
  6. Blog about someone in a positive light. If they’re an author, share about their book. If they’re an artist, share their genius with others. If they’re a singer, show how folks can find their music.
  7. Sing a silly song onto someone’s voice mail. The crazier the better.
  8. Compose a poem or limerick or haiku for a friend. (Or draw a picture, paint a painting, take a picture, etc.)
  9. Call your friend that you haven’t called in forever. Sometimes a text just can’t convey the encouragement of a voice.
  10. Bake something for a friend. Their favorite thing…cupcakes, a pie, granola, zucchini bread, etc.

All right. Ready, set, go! Encourage! Don’t limit yourself to my small list. Branch out. Let’s start a conspiracy of encouragement today.