The tree is me

The Lord spoke to me as I jogged by this seemingly dead tree the other day. I’m finally coming to the place where I’d like to write about it. So much of my earlier years felt like this tree–decaying, dried out, devoid of life. Sometimes our early...

Scary Dogs, Empathy and Confidence

Hubby and I had an interesting interchange last night while we walked Pippin the wonderdog at the park. Hubby likes to let Pippin be free, off leash. This freaks me out, not because Pippin is a naughty dog (he’s very sweet), but because I remember how deeply...

Good Practices

Those two words are reverberating through me today as I once again try to foster discipline in my life–to spend time with Jesus, to pray, to examine my day with purpose, to eat well, to worship in song, to exercise, to bless my children with attention and...

The Junk Brothers and Redemption

Today I watched The Junk Brothers on HGTV while eating my frosted wheat cereal. Here’s the premise of the show. The two brothers, Steve and Jim Kelley, forage neighborhoods under the cover of darkness, looking for junk that could be transformed into something...

An Interesting Read: Flickering Pixels

Flickering Pixels by Shane Hipps is an interesting book, discussing not the message, but the way we perceive, exchange and disseminate the message, particularly the media we’re interacting with. Here’s Shane on You Tube with Rob Bell: What I enjoyed: Shane...