Calm to a Whisper

He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. What a blessing was that stillness as He brought them safely into the harbor!  Psalm 107:29-30

A Simple Sabbath Gift for You

Brightly colored sunsets and starry heavens,Majestic mountains and shining seas,Fragrant fields and fresh cut flowers are not even half as beautiful as a soul who is serving Jesus out of love, through the wear and tear of an ordinary, unpoetic life. Frederick William...

Young Life Songs

I’ve had Young Life songs in my head the past few days. You know, the ones from a long, long, long time ago, from a galaxy far, far away… I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me… Blindman stood by the road and he cried… He, He, He,...

Some surprising verses

I’ve started journal writing again. Not the online bloggy things, but real pen to paper jotting. I started doing this because I felt disconnected from Jesus and had forgotten that we connect well when I’m writing things down. So, I’ve spent some time...