Pictures from Staff Conference

The cool thing about Staff Conference is the people. They’re the most beautiful part of a week away. Dear Jesus, bless our organization. Be very near. Touch us all with Your grace, direction, strength, truth and joy. AMEN. Great worship! Sophie and her friend...

Vacation Pics

Julia and Aidan after their concert the last day of school Patrick and Sophie on top of a mountain! Aidan and Patrick walking the trail before them Me and Patrick, Alp-kissing The sunset from the window of our apartment in the Alps Sophie, Julia and Aidan playing in a...

Pictures from ICRS

NavPress book signing: Watching the Tree Limbs. I signed for two hours! It freaked me out to see my face so large!!! I should’ve drawn a mustache on me! Another shot at the fiction signing Me and my friend Deidre at the Building the Christian Family You Never...