Sledding in a Winter Wonderland

We went to Grioliere le neige last Saturday, searching for some neige (snow). Thankfully, we found some. The kids had a great time sledding (and we did too). Julia with her pink Barbie coat on. She was a daredevil on the sled slopes! Sophie a litte apprehensive about...

Mary, I am not

Please forgive my yoda-speak. I’ve been thinking about that story where two women interact with Jesus–one named Mary, one named Martha. Mary sits at Jesus’ feet, adoring Him, listening to Him, being with Him while Martha bothers herself with tasks...

Fete de Noel

Every year our village of Le Rouret has a Christmas fair. I thought you might enjoy a few pictures of today’s event:  This little piggie went to market…for those of you leaning toward vegetarianism! Under a sunny canopy, folks sell their art, pottery,...

Camels and Poo and Expensive Turkeys, OH MY!

So, it’s been an interesting day. I woke up to a camel twenty feet or so from my front door. And some little billy goats, a few horses, a scary-looking cow and a lot of barnyard smell. The circus is in town for the weekend (again) and we happen to live right...

Doorknobs and Bookstores

Out of the blue, Sophie said, “Mom, I miss doorknobs.” “Hmm,” I said. “Me too.” We have door levers in our home. No knobs. Sophie’s comments made me think about what else I missed about home. The first thing that came to mind...