Our First Official Conseil Generale

Many of you know that we got our Association status with the French government (requirement for starting a church). Well, we had our first yearly assembly. Here we are at Daniel and Danielle’s home under an awning. Lord willing, next year we’ll overflow...

Pictures of Our Team and Friends

Our church planting team on Antibe’s ancient steps. Our dear friends Max and Valerie Max and Patrick Film crew member Jen; it looks like she’s directing! And her filming husband, Justin Justus and Samantha...

Failed Opportunities

We all live with regret, don’t we? I had lunch today with a new friend of mine, a lady from England. Our children are the same ages, girl, boy, girl. The kids swam in the pool and then we had pizza. It was a lovely lunch, one I am grateful for. So what’s...

People, Places and Paint

Here’s a hodge-podge update of our lives the past week or so. Last Saturday, we spent an evening with the Yorkey family. Mike is a writer I met through a writer’s group. His family has a home in Switzerland and drove down to visit the area. We had a great...

Thanks, Steve and Marsha Stroope

We had a terrific weekend with pastor Steve Stroope and his lovely wife Marsha from Lakepointe Church. Steve spent the day with our team of three couples on Friday doing team building and helping us to strategize and think about the future. It was a valuable time....