Proverbs 15:1-16

Jan 20, 2022Podcasts, Pray Every Day Podcast

Today’s Scripture:

Mary is reading Proverbs 15:1-16 in the WEB.


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Pray Every Day
Pray Every Day
Mary DeMuth

Pray through the Bible verse by verse with Mary DeMuth. When life overwhelms you, unburden yourself through prayer and experience God's nearness. God is listening.

January Show Sponsors:

If you’re interested in sponsoring the Pray Every Day Show, click here to learn more.

Gather Moms

I’m thrilled to have Gather Moms as a podcast supporter this month.  Gather Moms is a community of women who mom in any way. Link arms with other moms who get you. Moms need each other. Gather Moms don’t want you to mom alone. Their mission is to help you connect to other moms who get you, who know your joys and your struggles and can offer support and encouragement.

Listen to the podcast here

Purchase Family Values here.

Susan May Warren

I’m so honored to have sponsorship from Susan May Warren of the My Brilliant Writing Planner during the month of January.

Dream. Plan. Do. The My Brilliant Writing Planner is a tool for the writer and authorpreneur who wants to create a brilliant life and impactful career. Creatives are a different breed, yes? They know they have to take care of the mundane tasks of life, but come alive when creating. How do they find the time to do both? Welcome to the planner that understands you.

My Brilliant Writing Planner came from a place of desperation. Best-selling author, Susan May Warren had to untangle her life. More than untangle. She wanted to design a life she couldn’t wait to get up for every day. A life aligned with her values. A life in sync with her core beliefs. So that at the end of her month, her year, her life, there would be no regrets. My Brilliant Writing Planner isn’t just about writing—it’s about designing an entire life (friendships, health, daily habits, and activities), career goals (writing deadlines, marketing, entrepreneurial goals, networking goals), and a plan for the spiritual life of a writer. And it all starts with you getting serious and asking two critical questions:

What is the story you want to live?
How will you make it happen?

My Brilliant Planner will help you answer both questions and show you how to make your dreams a reality. Ready? Find out more here. Let’s go create an amazing life!

Go to to see the 2022 planner, and for Mary’s Audience, use the code: Pray2022 for a 20% discount. Good through Jan 31, 2022.

When you order the planner, you’ll get a quick start PDF. Planner to download and get started on your brilliant year for 2022 (while you wait for your planner to arrive!)

Lyneta Smith

So grateful to Lyneta Smith author of Curtain Call for sponsoring the Pray Every Day Show!

Lyneta Smith thought she was having a breakdown, when in fact, she was having a breakthrough. Read the inspiring story of how she stepped out of her stage-perfect Christian life and into the journey toward healing and finally seeing God as a good, loving father.

Read the first chapter of Curtain Call here.

You can get a copy of Curtain Call here.

Join the Movement:

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