Exodus 33

May 12, 2022Podcasts, Pray Every Day Podcast

Today’s Scripture:

Mary is reading Exodus 33 in the WEB.

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Pray Every Day
Pray Every Day
Mary DeMuth

Pray through the Bible verse by verse with Mary DeMuth. When life overwhelms you, unburden yourself through prayer and experience God's nearness. God is listening.

May Show Sponsors:

If you’re interested in sponsoring the Pray Every Day Show, click here to learn more.

Kirsten Panachyda


So excited to welcome Kirsten Panachyda author of Among Lions as a sponsor for the Pray Every Day Show!

Parents need protection.

The ambush of shock, the infection of resentment, the crocodile roll of defeat…Among Lions explores 10 “beasts” that can attack parents when a child has mental illness.
Each chapter includes:
• Defense strategies
• Illustrations from the author’s experience
• Perspectives from other parents
• Application of Scripture
• Research and advice from mental health professionals
• Practical pointers

Drawing on three years when the author’s teenage son first suffered the onslaught of bipolar disorder, Among Lions offers hope and constructive help. Parents cannot escape the circumstances that attract the beasts, can’t fight them off by themselves, and can’t chase them away, but they can rest even while surrounded. Among Lions assures hurting parents that their souls can survive devastating crisis with practical help, hope from God’s Word, and encouragement from a mom who has found rest even among lions.

Visit Kirsten at her website and order your copy of Among Lions here.

Deborah Ann Saint


So honored to welcome Deborah Ann Saint as a sponsor for the Pray Every Day Show!

Plagued by unrelieved feelings of guilt? Struggling to feel and believe you are truly forgiven with a clear conscience after failures that seem too great to overcome? Wondering if you can ever really believe God loves you, accepts you, and has truly forgiven you? Doubting God’s plan for the worst things in your life to be used for good? Thinking your sin debt is too great to ever really be forgiven and redeemed? Do you feel hopeless because of sexual sins or a history of abuses, addictions, or abortion? Tired of years of recovery with “religion” not working?

In the book, The Elephant Gospel believing we are loved, forgiven, and accepted by Christ and His finished the work is a treasured breakthrough for answers to life questions and doubts that can torment us. It is a revolution against dependence on self for salvation or false religion and a welcomed invitation to a foundation and purpose of life-based on the life of Christ. “Come to the well” in this book where Christ offers the Gift of God: Himself, for our many sins. The power of CHRIST, HIS CROSS and RESURRECTION is the way Jesus came to save us from our sins. Our new heart, new covenant relationship In Christ, our Truth, sets us free! Jesus loved us and gave himself for us, God wants mercy to be found and triumph.

Connect with Deborah on her website, and order your copy of The Elephant Gospel here. 

LeAnne Hardy


I’m also honored to welcome LeAnne Hardy as a sponsor for the Pray Every Day Show!

In Honey from the Comb, you will find collected scriptures on the nature of God and what he wants from us for prayer and meditation.

We live in stressful times. Like Peter⁠ with the waves of the storm crashing around him, it is easy to focus on our fears and problems instead of on the one who is able to calm the storm⁠, who knows the end from the beginning⁠ and works all things for the good of those who love him⁠.

This book is designed to help you to focus on who God is and what he is like as well as what he expects of you, his child, regardless of circumstances or what the storm throws at you.

Part 1, Adoration, collects verses of Scripture that describe our incredible God and his character.

Part 2, Confession, responds with passages for self-evaluation as you compare your own life to God’s standards.

Part 3, Thanksgiving, directs your thoughts to passages where the Bible writers thank God for things that have their parallel in our own lives.

Part 4, Supplication, collects verses to help you focus on your own character, asking God to make you more like himself in a variety of areas.

This book does not contain prayers—words for you to say to God. It contains Scripture—God’s words to you. As you read these words, I hope you will focus on that aspect of who God is or what he wants from you and pray them back to him.

Connect with LeAnne on her website, and order your copy of Honey from the Comb here. 

Michelle Nietert


And blessed to welcome as a sponsor for the Pray Every Day Show Michelle Nietert author of the new book Make Up Your Mind and podcast host of Raising Mentally healthy Kids !


Every day we fight battle after battle in our minds―many times unaware of the real fight at hand and wind up defeated as if we cannot win the battle of our own minds. It’s our own mind, but we can struggle to make it up. Negative mindsets limit our existence by keeping us bound in habits and attitudes unless we know how to break free of them.

Our mindsets matter. Sadly, when people operate their lives caving to unhealthy mindsets, they live defeated lives lacking joy and peace stemming from negative thought patterns.

In Make Up Your Mind, the reader will learn about the root behind common mental battles, focus in on ten key negative mindsets, and learn how to overcome them using Scripture and real-life solutions as we adopt the mind of Christ. Each chapter includes a devotional application section and a “Counselor’s Corner” section featuring licensed counselor Michelle Nietert.

Readers of Make Up Your Mind will:

• Solve the subconscious pain that shackles your soul.

• Resolve to renew your mind and release common mindset struggles.

• Dissolve discouragement and discover delight again.

• Absolve ourselves from thoughts absorbed in self.

“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts” (Proverbs 4:23, GNT).


Readers will gain practical tips and biblical insight to fight the battle of the mind and adopt new ways of thinking. Offers real solutions to help people change and live in a productive mindset. Reveals common triggers to these mindsets and provides keys to overcome them.

Connect with Michelle on her website, order your copy of Make Up Your Mind here, and listen to her podcast Raising Mentally Healthy Kids. 

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