A Prayer for Sexual Abuse Victims

Sep 23, 2013Find joy today, Heal from the past


We’re down to the last three days in crowdfunding #NotMarked. I’m praying we’ll make it to the $25,000 level so I can create the audio book. To find out more about Not Marked: Finding Hope and Healing after Sexual Abuse, click here.

A Prayer for Sexual Abuse Victims

{Please place your name in the blanks. Or ask a friend to pray this prayer over you, using your amazing name. To avoid the he/she dilemma, I’m using “they” and “them.”}


I lift up _______________. I pray You would usher them toward healing, calming their nerves as they consider uncovering the pain from the past.

Be so near ___________________ in their storytelling process. Help ______________ to know that an untold story never heals, that stuffing the pain only hurts them and others. Please bring amazing people into _______________’s life who also long to see them set free. Please give ____________ guts and bravery to share with those safe people.

Give ______________ a holy longing to be set free from the past and courage to seek healing. While it is true that sexual violation once marked and marred _________________, it is truer still that You will take this devastation and make a resilient, beautiful life from the ashes of back then. Instead of being marked, show ______________ that they are spotless, unmarked, whole.

Do some deep heart healing in terms of worth. Show ______________ that they are not a mistake on this earth, that You have a plan for them.

Thank You that You can handle ________________’s questions, anger, and frustration. Help ___________ voice that anger, give it wind.

While Satan wanted to destroy and de-story _______________, he will not have victory any longer in ______________’s life. Silence those demeaning thoughts that tear at _______________’s value. Bring deep grace if ______________ blames themselves for the sexual abuse. Help ________________ internalize that what happened wasn’t asked for, wasn’t wanted. Set _____________ free from feeling dirty.

And would You please heal _____________’s sexual identity? Bring health to ______________’s perception of sex. If it be Your will, bring a patient spouse who will walk through _____________’s sexual abuse in a healthy manner. And if ___________ gets stuck in this area, please provide financially for a counselor who can bring ___________ farther along the journey.

Help ______________ to forgive the people who sexually abused them. Not to let them off the hook at all, but so they can be set free from being tied to them through anger and bitterness. Give ____________ the gumption needed to make a choice today that the perpetrator’s heinous act no longer needs to define them.

So much of ____________’s pain in this life can be traced back to the sexual abuse that happened. But I pray that the rest of ____________’s life is beautifully marked by a new resolve to be healthy and become an agent of empathy in this sex-sick world. May _____________ become a conduit of change for other sexual abuse victims. May ______________ boldly share their story in the light, so others can identify and find hope.

Wash away any shame that _____________ still feels. Help family members and friends embrace ______________ instead of judge. Bring _____________ into a healing community of authenticity.

Bring laughter back into _____________’s life. Bring joy. Bring hope. Bring peace. Bring life. Bless ____________’s family in abundant ways. Come near.


If you’d like to share this, here’s a graphic of the same prayer. Pin it, email it, whatever you’d like to do.




  1. Ann

    Do you have prayer recommendations for families or partners of sexual assault survivors?

    • Mary

      I do have a Bible study that helps you as someone who walks alongside other survivors. It’s here: https://amzn.to/2W8A2Pf

  2. Joemal Bonneau

    Joemal is my name. My cousin sexually assaulted me. My sister is always blaming me, stealing, and saying terrible things. I’ve made the decision to cut ties with my family. I’m in a lot of pain and don’t feel like anyone understands. The church where I go sees my sexuality struggles as a problem. The church was supposed to be a place of healing, not of harm, I thought. I desperately want to be free. Please help!

    • Mary

      I’m so sorry. It may be helpful to read We Too, or to subscribe to my 21 day healing emails (wetoo.org/21days). I would also recommend counseling, as that’s a very difficult trauma to sift through.

  3. Rhodi Alers

    Thank you so.much for this genuine prayer, Mary.
    May the Lord Continue to bless you in this healing journey.

    • Mary DeMuth

      Thank you, Rhodi

      • Holly

        I have a nephew whom I know has been abused. He needs healing but no one will acknowledge what has happened to him. I’m afraid for him what will come if it is allowed to just keep brewing inside of him. He draws very disturbing drawings indicative of trauma. Please pray for Josh. Please pray God delivers him from this difficult time in his young life. He’s only ten… He’s been struggling with this for so long already. If you have christian resources, please connect me so I can help my nephew.