George the Editor with Big Dreams

As artists we all struggle between the tensions of marketability and beauty of craft. Both need to be present for an agent/publisher/publicist/marketer to be interested. But what happens when the very thing we pursue (marketability) gets in the way of discovering...


How do we foster a glad attitude, aka “gladitude” in our families? I wrote an article on today about just that. You can read it here.

George Story

I posted a story about fictional George the editor over at The Master’s Artist. If you need a little chuckle (I hope), stop on by.

Two Places of Redemption

Shannon over at shenandoahdawn reflects on how a particular passage in Wishing on Dandelions affected her. You can read her words here. Lisa Samson, one of my most favorite people on this planet, is featured on InFuze this week. It’s a convicting, real, raw,...