Interview Up

I have a new interview up over at Dineen Miller’s blog. Truck on over and give it a look-see.

Another good review

My publicist let me know about a new review for Watching the Tree Limbs. You can read it here. What a surprise and a blessing!

The Stand Castle

This month’s celebration of new Christian fiction is all about fiction. (Surprise!) So, I’m posting a short story I wrote five years ago. I pray it encourages you when your sand castles tumble over in life’s surf, or are kicked in by bullies.  ...

Some Lovely, Amazing Words and Art

My dear artisticly fun friend Erin sent me this link today. I’ve often lamented that my name, when looked up in various baby name books, means BITTER. Not exactly like other names that mean: princess, star of heaven, beautiful, etc. But she has changed that all...