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I believe you

I believe you

Let’s not be flippant with someone else’s trauma. I thought I was *fine* when I returned to the locale of my yearlong rapes (I was 5 when it happened, went there over 45 years later). I smiled in pictures. Thanked God for the victory. One hour later I could NOT STOP...

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Vulnerability after a Friend Breakup

Vulnerability after a Friend Breakup

Yesterday my 36th book released, The Seven Deadly Friendships, and it has popsicles on the cover: Maybe you've felt like one of those popsicles. That someone has hurt you. They've eaten away at your joy, and snapped your heart in two. I've certainly experienced that....

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The Why

The Why

TODAY, my 36th book releases. It's called The Seven Deadly Friendships. Way back when, well, you know the story--in the popsicle stains of childhood, I experienced some difficult relationships. Those raising me had some interesting tendencies. Predatory ones....

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When Facebook Friends Fight

When Facebook Friends Fight

I read this post last Spring and asked the author if I could feature it here as The Seven Deadly Friendships released.   The person agreed as long as I used a pseudonym. So this helpful post is written by Benjamin Tatian. Benjamin titled it: Judgment, Conflict...

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Hard Friendships: When to Stay

Hard Friendships: When to Stay

This is a guest post by Virginia Garrett originally title The Friend You Need to Hang on to. I loved it so much in the Spring that I asked her if I could repost it here with her permission. She said YES. It relates so beautifully to my upcoming book The Seven Deadly...

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Be Wise about Repentant Predators

Be Wise about Repentant Predators

We've possibly grown numb to the cavalcade of abuse allegations both within and outside the church. Recently the Grand Jury investigation in Pennsylvania went public. Willow Creek is reeling in the aftermath of allegations against its founder, Bill Hybels. A well...

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Coveting is a big deal

Coveting is a big deal

But we don't talk about it. I'm reading through Romans every day in preparation for a book I'm writing. Recently I made the connection between Romans 7:7 and 13:9: Well then, am I suggesting that the law of God is sinful? Of course not! In fact, it was the law that...

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