Tomorrow we start YEAR TWO of Pray Every Day! I’m so overjoyed at what God has done. As of this writing, we’ve reached over a quarter of a million folks in 90 countries, including these amazing folks below:
And to celebrate, we now have a PRAY EVERY DAY app! There you can not only NEVER miss an episode of Pray Every Day, but you also have daily access to a unique devotional that’ll empower you as you heal from the past. I sincerely pray this app blesses your walk with Jesus!
Download the app here:
Tomorrow’s podcast will feature testimonies about the podcast (after I pray through Psalm 84). So don’t miss it!
But some folks didn’t want to record their voices, so they wrote their testimonies instead.
Terri wrote:
“Thank you so much Mary for your prayers! Always look forward to each day to hearing your encouraging voice and God’s and then your prayers. Your words are so much my heartfelt thoughts, I just can’t put them together. So many times with tears, I do truly join you. This is still such a very hard time, certainly trusting and waiting on the Lord with hope for Name, our marriage and bringing our family together again. Everyday I so look forward to joining folks from around the world in prayer and worship through your podcast, all seeking our wonderful Lord and His love and care.”
Hope wrote:
“I read your books, kept up with blog posts, was led to other writers and their books or e-mails, signed up for your weekly updates, received the prayers every Monday, and was led to your Pray Everyday podcast. All of these things have been a part of my journey as I pursue physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Nights are the hardest time for me so sometimes as anxiety threatens to set in, I turn on the podcast and let the words of scripture and your prayers wash over me. It helps me feel a sense of peace and calm to drift off to sleep with. The part that is always so striking is I always seem to read or hear the right prayer at the right moment. Whether it be for me or to share with a friend as well. I have moments of wait, how did you know? And am struck by God’s awesome power to speak in such a way through it all. In my worst moments and struggles I have been able to cling to the fact that I was not on my own.”
Marie wrote:
I just wanted to express my gratitude for the wonderful prayers you email each week. I’ve reread this week’s prayer 3 or 4 times because that prayer felt like it was specifically for me. About how I long to resurrect broken relationships. And how I need to feel God’s hope. That I am a worthy person, special in God’s eyes. I need His encouragement, His lovingkindness and His love and power that is in Jesus Christ our Lord. I need Thee every hour, every day, to battle my depression, anxiety, loneliness and negative thoughts. I read your email about your story today, and if God can heal you after everything that you went through, He can heal me too. I have to keep going, never ever give up! Thank you and may God bless you, your family and your ministry.