Why do you have to be the hero?

Aug 22, 2012Heal from the past

We like to be heroes.

We get something from it, don’t we? The feeling of joy we get when we help another. The temporary reprieve from only thinking of ourselves. The elation when another smiles.

Of course it’s not wrong to help people. But it is wrong to HAVE to help people to feel okay about ourselves.

Some of us NEED to be heroes. We gain our identity by rescuing. And if we can’t, we feel useless.

The truth: Whether you’re heroic or not, you are wildly loved by your Creator. 

I’ve come to understand (and am still processing) that God doesn’t need me to be folks’ saviors. That job has been brilliantly filled by Jesus. My task is to simply pray and be open to helping others as He leads–always in His strength, not mine.

The formula is not:

Me + Empathy + a need to feel significant + a person’s problems = fulfillment

The formula (if there could be such a thing) is:

Jesus’ empathy & power & love poured into me + Me as a willing empty vessel = Jesus’ empathy & power & love poured through me into someone else.

It’s not us grabbing for significance by doing cool actions. It’s about letting/permitting to be the hero THROUGH us.

It’s all Jesus. And He wants to be the hero. In fact, He is the hero of every story; it’s just that some folks don’t recognize Him as such.

So let’s let Jesus be the hero. let’s choose to rest right now in the truth that we don’t have to find our identity and worth in what we do or don’t do.

My dear friend, it’s time to rest. Live in the adventure of following Jesus. This life isn’t about burnout trying-trying-trying to prove our worth by heroic deeds. This life is about pausing long enough to recognize that Jesus loves-loves-loves us right now. And in that settled place, we can love others with the love we’ve received.

Q4u: Have you ever felt like you HAD to be the hero? When? If you were to be boldly honest, where does your sense of worth come from? Others? Actions? Acclaim? Success?