What keeps you up at night?

Nov 21, 2011Mind if I pray for you?

I’m just so thankful for prayer. As an insomniac, I am often awake at night. Sometimes I’ve let that frustration lead to despair, but now I’m learning to use that time to unleash all my concerns and intercede for my hurting friends. What about you? What keeps you up at night? What prevents you from experiencing joy and contentment right now?

As a part of my new ongoing series where I pray for you, I’d like to take this moment to give you space to share your heart and ask for prayer. It’s my desire that others in this community would bolster you in prayer, and I promise to pray too.

In the meantime, here are some prayers you can hang your heart on:

When you’re wondering if you’re living your passion:

Jesus, I pray you’ll help my friend discover passion and Your plan for life. May there be a dawning moment, a holy “aha,” a new joyful direction. I pray for those who struggle with a hyperactive conscience, constantly berating and putting down themselves. I pray freedom over them tonight. I pray for hope and kindness and peace inside their minds. Heal their angry thoughts. Help them choose to silence them so they can hear Your encouraging, loving voice. May this day be a day of new things, new perspectives, new endeavors. Rescue those who hurt. Heal those who cry. Rejuvenate those who falter. Encourage those who weep. Amen.

When you’re afraid to take the next step:

Jesus, unlock our hearts. Where there are doors we’re afraid to open to you, I pray You’d give us bravery to hand You the key. Help us long for purity, fidelity and holiness in our interactions with you and this world You love. Help us to welcome Your housecleaning. We want to be open. We’re tired of the cobwebs in our souls. Amen.

When you need to trust Jesus with everything:

Lord, we need you right now. In this moment. Thank You that You are the God of our past, the God of right now, the God of the irresistible future. We lay everything, even our heartaches and disappointments, in Your capable, loving hands. Help us trust You in the dark. Shine on us in this moment. Give hope. Breathe joy. Weep alongside us in such a way that we feel Your presence. We need you. Amen.