Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies…

Mar 17, 2009Kingdom Uncaged

John 12:24: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.”

This is our friend Rebecca who died in late 2008 from Malaria. Below is a report about her funeral and the result of it from Pastor Isaac Wuni.

“As we celebrated our anniversary, we also prayed for an opportunity to reach out with the gospel. Just consider how God can sometimes be found in unexpected places. How did this happen? The church lost a young lady in October 2008. At the cemetery where we went to bury this girl, one of the grave diggers was touched by the burial message I preached. After the burial he told someone that he was touched by the message and wanted to give his life to Christ. He sought for my contact number and called me some time later in the day. When we interacted he told me what happened during the burial. My assistant and I shared the gospel with him and he gave his life to Christ. We visited him at his house the following week to encourage him. He expressed interest in coming to church. He has since been very faithful. When we visited him the second time he told us to come and start a church in his community. So the church prayed about the invitation and concluded that God was leading us in that direction. Today we went to greet the chief and elders of the community and to inform them we want to start a church there. He and the elders welcomed the idea with enthusiasm. From there we visited his own father and other family members and they were all happy that we are coming to start a church there.”

I have a feeling Rebecca is rejoicing in heaven over this man’s life and the church that will start. Even in death, God is glorified and His kingdom is spread.