Thursday, Vacuum Day

Oct 18, 2004Family Uncaged

Today, Deborah wrote a beautiful post about how she loved to write as a child. Check it out at It reminded me of my daughter Sophie, who is quite an amazing writer at eleven years old. I’m going to brag here and post a recent poem she wrote. I just finished delegating chores to each child (on each particular day). For Sophie, Thursday was vacuum day. To “celebrate,” she wrote this verse:

Thursday, My Vacuum Day

By Sophie DeMuth

Today is Thursday, my vacuum day

I will never get to go out and play

For first I clean the downstairs rug

I think my vacuum has a bug

Because when I turned the vacuum on

It gave a sudden yawn!

Then it sucked the rug right up!

Next, my sister’s stuffed toy pup

Then ate the couch, the lights, the books

The tupperware set that was Mr. Cook’s

Next went my mom’s pots and pans

My brother’s set of collectible vans

It ran up the stairs, oh who knows why

It stopped at my room and gave a sigh

It took in a deep breath and there went my room

The computer room was gone with the next big zoom

It sucked up our house and everything with it

It didn’t miss one little tiny bit!

It leaped out the back and ate our backyard

It even sucked up my experiment on lard

It paused for a moment, then gave a boom

And there, right in front of me was my old room

It gave back our house, our things and our toys

Hey, look over there, it’s my cousin Roy

Then, I opened my eyes and sat up in bed

“Honey it was only a dream,” my mom said

I looked at the calendar and noticed the day

I gave a big gasp to see it was Thursday!

Celebrating Thursday on Monday,
