the way that lasts forever

Mar 25, 2007Archive

I’m in one of those tired-weary funks. I wrote a prayer to Jesus this morning, sharing my weariness. I believe much of it stems from me, from my pursuit of production. I felt He wanted me to read Psalm 139. So I did.

Funny how you can read a piece of Scripture over and over again and it have the same, bland effect on you, only to read it another time and have God show you something amazing! I stopped on this phrase in the last verse (24):

“And lead me in the everlasting way.”

I’ve been walking on a path that doesn’t last–the path of my own paltry strength. But God has a better way, a way that lasts forever, the everlasting way.

Dear Jesus, forgive me for walking the Mary-strength way without You. I repent. Please lead me in the everlasting way, Your way. I’m tired. So tired. I need You.