The Joy of Sharing Jesus

Jul 5, 2008Archive

Tuesday June 24th, 2008, evening

I shared the Gospel using a storying method today, sharing the story from creation to Christ. It was amazing to me that these townspeople would be out during the day, busy at work, and still take time to hear our stories. In the morning I was paired with Rebekah again, and also Simon. In the afternoon, it was Bridget, Elizabeth, me and James. (James is Ghanian). We each took turns sharing the story. When I shared, many women and children stopped to listen. It was really, really exciting to see one particular lady engaged in the story. They all prayed along with us to receive Christ, but only heaven knows if they really made a commitment.

It’s amazing to me that the very thing that terrified me in the states has become a blessing to me in Ghana. After France, I’ve become very skeptical and guarded about sharing my faith. I guess I have forgotten that God has actually prepared people to hear about Him. We’ve created elaborate strategies to reach people, and have become fearful of just stepping out and telling the good news. We act as if it’s a secret to be guarded rather than the most exciting news known on this earth. Once someone listened to me teach at a writer’s conference on CD. She emailed me and wrote, “I could hear from your message that you have an evangelist’s heart.” I laughed when I read it. Because I have never, ever felt like I was any sort of evangelist.

I still don’t. But I’m thankful God gave me the strength today to share Jesus. I am not ashamed of the gospel.

Aidan wrote those words years ago before we left for France. “I am not ashamed of the Gospel,” quoting scripture. I cut it out and put it on my bulletin board as a reminder when we ministered in France.

And now he is living that verse. Again he went out to evangelize with Emmanuel. They are becoming friends. A Muslim accepted Christ as they shared. Tonight Aidan had the option to stay in town and help the adult team teach the church we’re working with to learn how to share the Gospel with children. Or he could go to the Crusade with the teens. He opted for the Crusade, and was very disappointed that I’d forgotten the camera. But we will all go to a crusade tomorrow and I’ll be sure to take the camera then.

Last night I shared with the team some of the healing God was doing in my life about France. I did not share what went on there, but just that I was sorry for mentioning France so much. I explained that it was all coming back to me, now that I’m once again on foreign soil. I shared how France was hard ground, spiritually. At the end of my short sharing time, one of the men on the team said, “You know when someone wasn’t welcomed into a country or town, they left and shook the dust off their feet. You know something? Your leaving was just that. You did as Jesus said.”

It’s given me something to think about.

I’ve been hoping for some deliverance from the critical voice in my head, and oddly it’s gotten much, much worse. Lord Jesus, please release me.

Tomorrow we do more door to door (actually open air to open air) evangelism, then participate in a crusade in the evening. I feel like I am in a different world. Maybe because I am.