The Importance of Perseverance

Apr 10, 2012Heal from the past

In whatever endeavor God calls you to, perseverance is the hallmark of spiritual growth. Whatever is thrown your way gives you an opportunity to exercise your tenacity muscle.

France was a time like that for me. There were days and weeks when I felt so lost and alone and unseen that all I could do was grit my way through life. Sometimes I gave up (to be honest). There were days I didn’t want to get out of bed, walk the kids to school, engage with other French folks. The dailiness of failure and sadness got to me.

Somehow, through God’s ample strength, I persevered. This is not a testament to my grit, though. It’s a testimony of God’s strength.

I like what A.B. Simpson writes about 2 Corinthians 12:10 about Paul rejoicing in his weaknesses. “The literal translation of this verse adds a startling emphasis to it, allowing it to speak for itself with power we have probably never realized. It is as follows: ‘Therefore I take pleasure in being without strength, being insulted, experiencing emergencies, and being chased and forced into a corner for Christ’s sake, for when I am without strength, I am dynamite.'”

Maybe that’s the secret of tenacity–this stark realization that when we can’t, He can. When we are small, He has a chance to be big on our behalf. When we are waning, His power turns to dynamite.

Tell me your story, please. I’ve shared my tale of woe a few times here on this blog. I want to hear from you.

When did you have to persevere? What did you learn about your strength? God’s? What lessons did you learn? Are you in a season of gritting through or sailing beyond? Or both?