Thank You

Nov 20, 2006Find joy today

I want to thank Jesus today for:

  1. An email that reminded me that God saw us and He sees us.
  2. Trees turning golden under a blue, blue sky.
  3. My daughter Julia’s highwater jeans that proves she’s growing tall and beautiful.
  4. The talk I had with Sophie, ending in embrace.
  5. Patrick’s constant, devoted love.
  6. Aidan’s sweet heart, and that he would miss his mommy this week while he was away at camp.
  7. Heather‘s skyping bits and pieces of friendship and encouragement.
  8. Troy’s poem.
  9. Jen’s growing belly.
  10. Hope
  11. Provision
  12. Lakepointe Church
  13. That the words are coming on my next novel
  14. Lisa Samson. She’s just so cool.
  15. That none of these things I’m thankful for are things, but people, or Jesus, or relationship.

My life is full. Thank You Jesus.