I Stand for Sexual Abuse Victims

Feb 7, 2014Find joy today, Heal from the past, Not Marked

I ache when I hear or read about sexual assault. I simply cannot handle it. It’s even worse when I see the church perpetrating it or covering it up. When I learn about a powerful person perpetrating against the weak, I’m back in the schoolyard, wanting to duke it out with the bully.

Problem is, when you duke it out, you get hurt. (At least I do. I’m not a boxer by trade).

I believe God is asking me to stand up and be willing to be a voice for those who often don’t have a voice: sexual abuse victims (click to tweet). I have been maligned in doing so (on a small scale). And it has hurt. I sense it will get worse, especially as Not Marked‘s official release looms on Monday.

Why? Because Satan loves sexual abuse. And he loves the pain and bewilderment and brokenness and devastation that comes from it. He loves the chaos and shame and dirtiness victims feel. So those who stand up for victims will be targets.

On one hand, this scares me. On another, it emboldens me.

I am not a brave person by nature. I prefer calm to chaos, harmony to discord. But I believe God has called me to stand up, however that might look. I stand because Jesus has so beautifully restored me, rescuing me from Satan’s diabolical plans, and I want to serve (in a small way) as a midwife for other victims who need that same restoration.

I stand to dignify them, give them a voice, or even write the words they feel but cannot say quite yet.

I may not punch a bully with my fists (my arms are far too weak), but I can defend those who have been violated simply by standing as a representation of redemption (click to tweet) –living proof that you can have an incredibly joyful life even after awful devastation.

It’s for your potential joy that I stand.

{Stay tuned for ways to receive amazing freebies when you buy Not Marked next week}