sickness is yuck

Jan 30, 2005Family Uncaged

How’s that for an attention-grabbing title?

I hate being sick. I’m sick right now, as are Sophie and Julia. Only the men in the family are of sound body (and mind!).

The DeMuth girls have fevers, coughs, pains. We’re crabby and tired and needy. When I’m feeling low, in this current state of pain and hot flashes, I think of heaven. Like Paul, I groan in this earthly tent called my body. I wonder how long it will last.

Sickness awakens something vital in me, though. Some longing for perfection and beauty and painlessness. It makes me rethink my current life. Realizing how very finite I am, how am I living? Am I snapping at my children? Am I making the most of each day for His kingdom? Am I one of the strong trees in God’s garden that produces good Holy-Spirit-fruit? Am I more concerned for my reputation or God’s renown and fame? Am I living my life with heaven in mind or am I constantly preoccuppied with transitory stress and fears?

When my earthly tent creaks and moans under the relentless wind of the world I pray it would remind me to cherish life more keenly and to love Jesus more passionately. As author Tim Hansel says in his book You Gotta Keep Dancing, “pain will either make us bitter or better.”

Are you struggling with chronic pain? Mired in illness? Overwhelmed by depression? I pray earnestly that God will use this difficult time in your life to make you better. I’ve walked the bitterness path long enough to know I don’t do well there. I become toxic and self-absorbed. Even in this momentary sickness, I’ve circled the wagons and played the role of demanding sick person. Oh, dear sweet Jesus, help me to become better, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Even in this silly sickness.

Amen and Amen

and a cough to boot