2-8 – Chris Marlow

Oct 31, 2016Restory Show

Chris Marlow is a thinker, a visionary, and, now, an author who loves to make a profound, but simple dent in the problems of this world. He does this through his nonprofit, Help One Now.

He recently released Doing Good Is Simple.


He wrote the book to help the American church realize a lifestyle of giving isn’t complicated, and it can be shame-free.

How Our Stories Intersected

I met Chris when I went to Haiti on a blogger trip several years ago with Help One Now. While there we saw the need to build a school, and by God’s miraculous provision, coupled with the generosity of God’s people, we were able to build a new school in Haiti. It changed my life. What I really loved about our time was how Chris and his organization empowered local leaders and sought their wisdom. They didn’t barge in and try to change things. Instead, they listened.

[Tweet “Hear how @ChrisMarlow empowers us how to do good in a complicated world on today’s Restory Show.”]

As in all my episodes, I pray for you at the end. It’s my sincere hope that you’ll walk away from the Restory Show changed and challenged.


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The End

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