
Apr 17, 2013Work Uncaged


It’s this uncomfortable feeling I have down deep that I need a holy redirect, not simply obeying collective voices. While it’s good to seek godly advice from others when you’re moving in new directions, I fear I’ve placed a higher priority on those voices over the voice of God. Have you ever been there?

Because sometimes God says stuff counterintuitive to common sense. Sometimes He disrupts. Sometimes He asks us to do things that don’t make business sense. Sometimes He pushes us out onto a wobbly branch, nudging, nudging, nudging until we take a step into the air, forcing us to fly. (Kind of like living uncaged).

facebook uncaged

He is asking me for radical trust, a true, deep resolve–a scary redirect. He is asking me to stop my endless worrying. He is asking for my ear, my attention. He wants me to hear and heed His voice.

“But this command I gave them: ‘Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people. And walk in all the way that I command you, that it may be well with you.’” Jeremiah 7:23 ESV

I don’t know about you, but this verse scares me. It doesn’t say, “Obey all the things gurus tell you to do.” or “Read all the right business books.” or “Have the perfect marketing strategy.” or “Always be closing.” The verse says to simply obey the voice of God, come what may. Things go well only when we do that.

And I don’t mean “well” in the prosperity sense. I mean “well” in the kingdom sense, in the “Well done, good and faithful servant” sense.

Because God ultimately isn’t going to evaluate me on my business savvy as much as He is going to look at my heart laid bare before Him. He will look at how well I heard, then obeyed what He asked. He wants to see if I will redirect for His sake.

What does this mean for me? For you?

Just this: sometimes we need to shut out competing voices, get ourselves still, and let the Almighty speak to us. Risking to follow Him is the reward. Going against conventional wisdom may just end up for our benefit, and it will ultimately widen the kingdom of God.

So pay attention to my posts here. You’ll see some changes. Some shifts. Not that I’ll hear perfectly. Not that I’ll obey rapidly. But I’m trying. Oh Lord Jesus, I’m trying. I want Your voice to be the most important I hear. And I’m tired of living safe.


Have you ever experienced a redirect by the Lord that went against conventional wisdom? Please share your story in the comments.