Perfect Sense in the Wrong Lane {Awesome Guest Post by Amanda Dykes}

Oct 5, 2012Heal from the past

I’m thrilled to feature Amanda Dykes today. I met her at Mount Hermon where I had the privilege of mentoring her in fiction. She’s a delight, so teachable, and has a sweet spirit. She’s a historical romance author who aches to share God’s grace. She’s a Spastic shutterbug, unabashed word nerd, and lover of truthful writing that resonates.  She can be found scribbling words at her blog, and would love to connect with you on Facebook,  Twitter or the online Christian Fiction Book Club  she co-hosts.

The other day, I was driving on the wrong side of the road.

A windy road.

The wrong side of a windy road with various points of sheer drops at the edge.

And I felt… peace.

You see, I was behind a pilot car, in the middle of road construction.Do you ever feel like you’re caught in “road construction” in life? Sometimes, you don’t even know what the obstacles ahead are, that have landed you in this impossible position. You are simply following in blind faith behind the pilot car, trusting that – though the road winds and the cliffs drop and you’re pretty sure you don’t belong in the lane designated for oncoming traffic—that car is doing its job, leading you through to safety.

The true danger would begin if you broke faith with it and plowed back into your rightful lane, just because it “makes sense.”

Like the proverbial road construction, we can sometimes find ourselves in a set of circumstances that have others (and ourselves!) scratching our heads . Those “Are you sure, God?” moments…

Like Abraham, up on Mount Moriah.

Or Moses on the shores of the Red Sea, bidding it part.

Like Noah, building an ark for something called a “flood,” something which no one had even heard of before.

And like Jesus, laying down his life for those who “knew not what they did.”

It doesn’t make sense. It defies logic, until you remember:

  • Who He is
  • How He loves you
  • How mighty He is
  • His wisdom
  • His strength
  • His delight in leading you
  • His trustworthiness
  • His “plans to prosper you and not to harm you.”

…and how, when every shred of logic and reason may tell you something doesn’t make sense, there is one element—one glorious, sovereign thing—that trumps it all.

He has called you here.

It’s ok.

It’s more than ok!

Amidst the winding road, your position on it that doesn’t make sense to the rest of the world, you are following Him. He’s your pilot car!


When have you been called to a place that didn’t make sense? How did you see His faithful leading through that time?