My #NanoWriMo Project

Nov 12, 2015Mind if I pray for you?

For those of you in the writing world, you know what #NanoWriMo is. But for those who think I’m dealing with small technology (nano). or maybe feasting on nanaimo bars, NanoWriMo stands for National Novel Writers Month. It happens every November, and the gist is, you commit to writing 50,000 words of your novel in the month of November. It’s a thing.

Problem for me is that I’m not working on a novel right now. I have one novel being shopped at publishing houses (and oh, it’s been an excruciating process), but I’m not working on another. Why? Because God has been in the habit of dropping stories into my mind, then heart. And when they’re in my heart, I can’t NOT write them down. Currently? No stories. (I am working on a secret project that I’ll unveil in a while…but I need to stay mum on it for the time being.)

So I’m writing nonfiction.

For those of you who have been around this blog long enough, or for people on my mailing list, you know I love to pray–for you. I end each email I send out with these words: “Mind if I pray for you?”

So I’ve been kicking around this idea for a prayer devotional for some time now, where I start with a scripture and then give my readers words to pray. I don’t know if it will sell. I don’t think a publisher would take a risk. But I feel compelled to write it, and most likely self publish it when I’m done. It should take me three or four months to write, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, here’s a taste of what I’m doing:


“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27

Jesus, I am so sorry that I haven’t received Your gift of peace as often as You have offered it. I’ve shunned it, loved my own control-centered peace, or I’ve simply turned the other way. Your peace, I know, is what my soul needs today. Please help me figure out why I don’t always welcome it like a friend.

I pray for peace of heart, where my relationships live. There are some people I’m having a hard time forgiving. Help. There are people who I’m embittered against. Help. There are people who have walked away from me. Help. There are people I have hurt. Help. There are people who I need to pursue. Help. In the great big melting pot of my relationships, Jesus, help me to find your peace.

I pray for peace of mind, where my thoughts live. I have bully thoughts that taunt me and tell me I’m unlovely or unlovable. Free me. I have obsessive thoughts that threaten my joy. Release me. I have angry thoughts toward others that I can’t seem to work through. Help me. I have scattered thoughts that mess with my purpose and concentration. Center me.

I love Your peace, Jesus. Help me to live life in such a way that I truly embrace it wholeheartedly. Amen.