Not Marked is FUNDED!

Sep 6, 2013Find joy today, Heal from the past


I can barely contain my excitement, folks! Yesterday I woke up to 71% funded. I didn’t in my wildest dreams think the campaign would fund by the afternoon. But God had other awesome-sauce plans.

I snapped this picture to commemorate. It happened a little bit after Indiegogo placed the book on its front page.

So, what does this mean?

It means I polish my book and hand it directly to the editor in a few DAYS. It means I call the printer and have some great conversations about timing. It means this book is going to happen. It means I’ll be contacting my formatting peeps. And it means that I will be adding stretch goals for the project.

The big question I’m getting is this: Can I still fund it?

The happy answer is YES. The more funding the book receives, the more I can do with it. Watch for my first stretch goal on Monday. (Hint: it involves a microphone).

So rejoice alongside me at the great things God has done! I’m beside-myself-slap-happy-joyful!