Laughter is better than pixels

Apr 30, 2013Find joy today

It’s always a risk to open your home, particularly when you have no idea who will come! Last Saturday eleven of us gathered together to watch the (in)rl webcast, share stories, laugh, and eat a lot of brunch food. I’ve come to the conclusion that hanging with folks in person is way cooler than following someone on Twitter. You get to hear a person’s voice, her laughter, her stories.

Here we are:


Embarrassing fact: we had to dodge doggy doodoo to take this picture. (Proof that you don’t have to have all your ducks in a row, or your poop eradicated to have folks over.)


Everyone brought a brunch item. We were well fed. YUM!DSC_0036

These dear ladies shared a very small settee. Our kitten kept freaking them out and climbing up the back and scaring them. I’m surprised they stayed!


We shared our stories while we ate.


It was a lot of fun to meet up with several women I didn’t yet know, as well as have some of my in real life friends meet new folks. The stories shared from the webcast were quite inspirational, particularly when several spoke about mentors and the need for them in our lives (and to be one). I came away happy to meet folks, tummy full, and a joyful anticipation for next year.