Guest Post: Kely Braswell “12 Things About Money”

Jun 4, 2011Find joy today, Kingdom Uncaged

Today I’m privileged to have Kely Braswell who writes a blog called Dangerous Breeze. I actually read this post and loved it, then asked if I could use it as a guest post. Enjoy!

Money’s just agitating sometimes… Can’t serve God and it… What’s a follower of Jesus to do if ya don’t think you’re supposed to hoard it, love it, serve it?… It’s just dangerous!

1. Money is woefully overrated as a source of provision and protection. God is woefully underrated as a source of provision and protection.

2. Money isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Investing in Heaven is much wiser.

3. I pity the people I know who work so hard all the time just to get more money and things, just to feel more secure. They’re far less happy than all my poor friends.

4. Absolute: People who love money are not happy. People who use money to bless others are very happy.

5. Even when you don’t have much money, there’s still always enough to bless others. Giving is fun!

6. God loves a cheerful giver; any other kind, God would rather they just keep their money.

7. The happiest people are the ones who use money to love people, rather than use people to love money.

8. People can be taken to Heaven with us; money cannot.

9. People without much money give far more than people with lots of money. (There are a few exceptions. A very few. See widow and two coins.)

10. It’s better to spend money so that others are blessed than to save it to protect myself.

11. Always pick up the tab when you can. (Christians have a horrible reputation for being mooches, especially if they’re Preachers.)

12. Tip extravagantly. Christians at restaurants are the worst witness for Jesus in America.