Get out of your cage!

Aug 29, 2012Heal from the past

I haven’t always live uncaged.

In fact, most of my life, I found comfort inside the cage, nursing my wounds, fretting about flying. Being locked away was my safety. It was knowable, understandable. And yet, God beckoned me out. He made me dissatisfied with flightlessness. He made my nest uncomfortable. He loved me so much that He didn’t want me to stay caged.

The process of healing from the past has been excruciatingly beautiful. Painful and amazing all at once. It’s a scary journey, but worth it. I stand before you today a woman loosed, set free.

I used to see myself as a victim. Of sexual abuse. Of neglect. Of loneliness. Of my father’s death. Of fear. I detailed my journey in the book, Thin Places.

I shared the raw, the real, and the redemptive in its pages.

But, thankfully, God didn’t let me stay that ragamuffin on the cover (yep, that’s me). He transformed me into who I am today. Free. Loved. Joy-filled. Hopeful. Uncaged.

I want you to experience that too. I have a series of talks I gave to our Life Group that I’ve compiled into six MP3 files for you. I tell my story, then walk you step by step through the process of healing and being set free.

Living uncaged is absolutely possible. It is. Don’t let the naysaying voices in your head doom you to believe the lie that you’ll never heal. Jesus is bigger than your abuse, your past, your everything. It’s a matter of inviting Him into your carefully locked cage and letting Him release the lock. It’s time to step out and test your wings on the air of freedom.

I believe God wants you to soar. Will you?

Get the entire Healing Retreat here for a discounted price of $35.00.

Mary shares her healing

journey, a hard won trek alongside Jesus. She shares her story accompanied by teaching and biblical truth. All six messages point to Jesus as the healer, ask life-changing questions, and offer hope for the future. Scroll down for a description of each talk.

Purchase all 6 downloads for $35.00 here:

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Healing Talk 1: Mary’s Testimony. Cost $10.00.

Mary shares the story of Thin Places, sharing how God rescued her from emotional pain. She shares about the walls she put up around her heart and how God dared to tear them down. In this candid, raw talk, she gives hope that you can rise above the past and live the life you dream of.

Purchase the $10.00 download here:

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Healing Talk 2: Do You Want to Get well? Cost $10.00.

Though we say we want to be well, the truth is, we are afraid. Living in pain becomes comfortable for us so we stay in the pain instead of dare to step into healing. Mary asks the same question Jesus asks the lame man: Do you want to get well? She offers practical help to move forward beyond the past.

Purchase the $10.00 download here:

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Healing Talk 3: Tell the Truth about Your Past. Cost $10.00.

No one heals in unreality. You can’t heal in darkness. The way to healing is telling the truth about the past (even if the past was last week.) Mary shares about the importance of truth-telling in the healing journey and helps you understand the need to be honest. Keeping secrets is like trying to push a beach ball under water. You can do it for a time, but it inevitably pops us. No matter how much we try to suppress the pain, it usually pops up in our behavior. Telling the truth will help you finally heal from the inside out.

Purchase the $10.00 download here:

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Healing Talk 4: The Feast of Forgiveness. Cost $10.00.

Forgiveness is a radical but important step toward healing, but it is not easy. It does not excuse bad behavior. It recognizes and identifies it, then offers grace and forgiveness. It does not guarantee reconciliation, but it does invite it. When we forgive, we are most like Jesus. Mary offers her own stories of forgiveness and gives practical help to those who want to be set free from bitterness.

Purchase the $10.00 download here:

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Healing Talk 5: The Dangers of Hidden Vows.Cost $10.00

When we live constantly in reaction to the past, we sabotage our future. Mary defines what a hidden vow is and how it can be destructive. She shares about the importance of letting Jesus heal from the inside out, to live in His strength when we are weak. The Christian life is not about us being strong and trying hard to overcome; it’s about entrusting ourselves to our strong God.

Purchase the $10.00 download here:

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Healing Talk 6: The Promised Land Principle. Cost $10.00.

Mary unpacks the story of the promised land and what we can glean about the healing journey through it. It’s important to remember that the promised land always lies just beyond a wilderness experience. Learn to learn from the past in order to live joyfully today with the future in mind.

Purchase the $10.00 download here:

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