Burdened? Fight back with JOY.

Jan 15, 2015Find joy today

I don’t always fight back with joy.

But my dear friend Twilla did. Every single day of her cancer-ridden life, she found joy. And it changed me. It still does. I had the opportunity to spend some time in her home this last weekend. Her husband Johnny graciously allowed a passel of writers to congregate there. In the midst of creativity brainstorms, I remembered her feisty joy.

My friend Margaret also battled cancer, and she learned the power of uncovering joy in the pain. She was brave and strong (even though she’d probably tell you she felt small and weak many days). This book she wrote comes on the back of that very real battle for her life. It’s hard won lessons in the trenches of worry and pain and uncertainty.

You may not be facing cancer. Or illness. But we all have trials and battles in our lives that threaten to beat us down, steal our smile. All of us need this message that we can fight back the pain with joy.

That’s why I’m very excited about Margaret’s book, and I think you will be too. Take a gander:

Fight Back With Joy 6-Session DVD Bible Study Promo Video from Margaret Feinberg on Vimeo.

If you’ve been battling the weightiness of a trial, perhaps Fight Back With Joy will be an amazing answer to prayer. Click here to get the book on amazon. Click here to get the book at Barnes & Noble. Click here to purchase the 6-Session Bible Study Kit. BIBLESTUDYBUTTON300x300