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Be ALL Here

Be ALL Here

If you truly desire impossible joy, you have to be present. Remember that God is not the Great I Was. He is not the Great I Will Be. He is the Great I Am—the God of the present tense. All you have is now. And how you view your life right now will determine your joy....

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Stingy = Unhappy

Stingy = Unhappy

Money (and lack of it) brings stress. And managing our bills often feels like slavery, not freedom. Our relationship with money can either break us or bring great joy. My prayer for you is that you would dare to have a godly view of money. First, let’s put money in...

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Who is Your Goliath?

Who is Your Goliath?

No doubt, there are some relationships in your life that are thriving, whose steady beat brings joy to you. But there may be some relationships that steal your breath and damage your heart. In order to experience joy, it’s wise to take a look at those difficult...

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Here’s the Secret to Joy

Here’s the Secret to Joy

The best way to improve your joy is one simple practice: rest. We’re on a sickening treadmill of accomplishments, tasks, busyness, and joylessness. Every year we increase the speed of our lives, all the while wanting to slow down. But society says we can’t, and we...

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These Two Words Are Poison

These Two Words Are Poison

The secret to an impossibly joyful life is letting go of two awful words. They lurk in your heart like wild, angry beasts, looking for the right opportunity to devour you. They are toxins, too, seemingly innocent until they take over with a cancerous vengeance. If you...

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Why you need people

Why you need people

People are pesky. They betray. They hurt us. They trample our hearts. So why even try? Why not just give into bitterness and isolate ourselves the rest of our lives? Because we will never experience deep joy in life if we cut ourselves off from others. A. B. Simpson...

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