Cape Town Recap 2: Being Loved

Oct 29, 2010Family Uncaged, Find joy today

Seeing this seascape reminds me of how I sometimes felt alone, one girl in a big, wide world. At Cape Town the Lord was excessively good to me. When I felt lonely, I found a new friend. When I walked alone, a new person would walk beside me, and we would connect.

Yet there were times when I ached for home, particularly for my life, my family, my relationships, my church.

Seeing my husband at baggage claim, giving him a big, fat kiss, and feeling his embrace, blessed me. Watching my kids run toward me, hugging me tight, telling me how much they missed me made me see just how important our closest relationship are. When I spent time with my discipleship group of 17-year-old girls, I burst with stories. At the end, one of the girls recounted my scary flight story. “If that flight went down,” she said, “we’d be having a different type of meeting.” In light of those words, the girls cried. I cried. I am just so dang happy to be alive.

Alive for a purpose. Alive to love. Alive to kiss. Alive to embrace. Alive to write.

Oh dear Jesus, all I can say is thank You.