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I’m taking a Sabbatical

I’m taking a Sabbatical

This blog post I'm writing is a task I've been thinking about for a long time. I've hinted at the strain of this year, and I've asked for prayer. But now it's time to actually do something about my level of fatigue and health issues. Stress is real, friends, and it...

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The Most Beautiful Letter

The Most Beautiful Letter

I've been given permission to share this letter that a childhood sexual abuse survivor wrote to her little self. It's so beautiful, so poignant, that I wanted you to see it. Lavender and Periwinkle If I had written your story little one, there would be so much you...

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Why I Wrote We Too

Why I Wrote We Too

Today my book We Too: How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis releases, and I am excited! Why? Because it is my sincere prayer that this book would challenge Christian leaders to think differently about the hurting people in our pews. Jesus...

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Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Hello dear ones! I have not died. I'm sorry it's been a bit chirp-chirp around here, but I've been working crazily on finishing up New Book Release! I also launched HEALING EVERY DAY a few weeks ago!   Next Book Release: In addition, I'm working very...

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5 tips for a business refresh

5 tips for a business refresh

Is your website losing you customers?   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sagittis ex nec tristique aliquam. Donec eleifend justo cursus diam pharetra, ac posuere quam tincidunt. Morbi nec nisl ante. Vivamus quis iaculis diam. Vivamus...

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A Worthy Gift

A Worthy Gift

My nephew Vegas is an amazing kid. (Yes, I happen to be biased, but I also really love his brothers and sisters too, oh, and his parents). My sister Shelley and her husband Tim are musicians, artsy to the core, but they also have strong fidelity to Jesus. The entire...

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Restory Show Resurrect: Jules Woodson

Restory Show Resurrect: Jules Woodson

Although I've stopped production of the Restory Show, from time to time I will bring you interviews as God brings amazing people and their stories my way. Today's bonus episode features one of those exceptional people and stories--sexual abuse victim advocate Jules...

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I believe you

I believe you

Let’s not be flippant with someone else’s trauma. I thought I was *fine* when I returned to the locale of my yearlong rapes (I was 5 when it happened, went there over 45 years later). I smiled in pictures. Thanked God for the victory. One hour later I could NOT STOP...

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Vulnerability after a Friend Breakup

Vulnerability after a Friend Breakup

Yesterday my 36th book released, The Seven Deadly Friendships, and it has popsicles on the cover: Maybe you've felt like one of those popsicles. That someone has hurt you. They've eaten away at your joy, and snapped your heart in two. I've certainly experienced that....

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The Why

The Why

TODAY, my 36th book releases. It's called The Seven Deadly Friendships. Way back when, well, you know the story--in the popsicle stains of childhood, I experienced some difficult relationships. Those raising me had some interesting tendencies. Predatory ones....

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