Akwasi, Efi and Mohammed

Jun 5, 2008Archive

We are getting very close to our departure date—a little over two weeks away. Much needs to be done between now and then: prayer, memorizing gospel stories, and more prayer. Thanks for being a part of this journey with us. Aidan and I so appreciate it.

Our friend Cyndi Kraweitz sent us a website where we could pick Ghanian names. (These are based on the day you were born, as in Monday or Wednesday). I let Aidan browse the list of names and he chose:

Akwasi. It means tail of the animal, protection from flies (oh good!) and danger (even better), very protective of others, patient. It’s wild how well this fits with Aidan’s personality. He’s one of the most patient boys I know.

I chose:

Efi, which means the wanderer. That name means adventurous, wise and tenacious. (Oh Lord, let it be so!)

So as Akwasi and Efi wander and adventure to Ghana, while Akwasi protects us both from dangerous flies, please continue to pray for the people we’ll meet.

We received a lovely message from Pastor Mohammed this week. He writes:

“The people are excited and anxious about your arrival. We have called a prayer rally, both prayer and fasting and all night prayers. We are asking God to use this month to deliver the bondage and captives in the power of darkness. I hope Paul may have informed you about this. We name this year mission week THEME AS: RESCUE THE PERISHING. This is what we expect the Lord to do within the week.”

Would you continue to pray alongside Pastor Mohammed that God would release the captives? I read that and feel very small, and I worry that I won’t be strong enough to shoulder this journey. But we serve a great, big God who loves to set folks free, so I’m believing God to strengthen our team supernaturally.