A reader weighs in about this blog

Feb 3, 2011Find joy today, Write!

It always blesses me to get reader mail. But this email that came over the transom really made me smile. Why? Because I’ve spent the last six months concentrating my creative energy here on this blog. It’s heartening to know all that work has paid off.

The reader writes, “Anyway, your blog was one of the top choices and I read the entry that was there and decided that I wanted to read what you had to say, which is a big deal; I tend not to like Christian writers because they don’t seem to be rooted in reality. I have about 50 subscriptions in my reader, 4 are religious; one is in active, one I skim quickly before deleting its contents while rolling my eyes. Yours is one of the two that I look forward to reading when there is a post. And your posts (and those of the guest bloggers) have been spot-on for what I need to hear, for reminding me of little things that I have forgotten, for assuring me that I’m not the only one out there who is broken and that God doesn’t judge me for it. Your posts are authentic and real and I am able to relate to you, even though I don’t know you, and thus relate to your stories.”


Why do you read this blog? What do you like about it? What would you change?