40 Days of Life, Death & Resurrection

Feb 22, 2012Find joy today

The Lenten season snuck up on me this year. Yesterday on my calendar, I simply had the word LENT, a reminder that I needed to think through what God would have for me in these forty days.

No answer came. No chocolate fast. No dietary restrictions. No daily disciplines. As I talked to hubby about it, he reminded me that it’s not so much that we take away from our lives, but that we can also look at the lenten season as adding to our hearts, our spirituality. A good, important thought.

This morning on my run, Jesus reminded me of three important words: life, death, resurrection. As I heard them, I knew this would represent this forty day journey.

So for the next forty days I’ll be asking myself each day, What have I chosen to do (or chosen to refrain from) that represents…

  • The life of Jesus?
  • The death of Jesus?
  • The resurrection of Jesus?

I’ll reflect the following day, most likely on Twitter and Facebook with this hashtag: #lifedeath+

Want to join me? What choices have you made so far today that represent the life of Jesus? His death? His resurrection?